What is Division 293 tax?

What is Division 293 tax?

If your combined income and super contribution exceed the Division 293 threshold, you pay additional tax on the super contribution which reduces the tax concession. The additional 15% tax is payable on either the amount of the super contribution or the amount that is...
Will changes to super from 1 July 2019 affect me?

Will changes to super from 1 July 2019 affect me?

If you have insurance through super, it usually covers you for death, disability and sometimes income protection. But, if your super account is not used for a while, your insurance may be automatically cancelled, regardless of your age. This means, if you haven’t...
Will I get the $1,080 tax rebate from ATO?

Will I get the $1,080 tax rebate from ATO?

The much talked about increase in the tax offset from $530 to $1,080 has passed through the Senate on Thursday the 4 July 2019. From the 2018-2019 tax year the Government has increased the low and middle income tax offset from a maximum of $530 to $1,080 and from the...
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